C pointer to array/array of pointers disambiguation

What is the difference between the following declarations:
int* arr1[8];
int (*arr2)[8];
int *(arr3[8]);
What is the general rule for understanding more complex declarations?


Use the cdecl program, as suggested by K&R.
$ cdecl
Type `help' or `?' for help
cdecl> explain int* arr1[8];
declare arr1 as array 8 of pointer to int
cdecl> explain int (*arr2)[8]
declare arr2 as pointer to array 8 of int
cdecl> explain int *(arr3[8])
declare arr3 as array 8 of pointer to int
It works the other way too.
cdecl> declare x as pointer to function(void) returning pointer to float
float *(*x)(void )


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